Welcome to DreamStar✨ Institute!
The Home of the FiveStar Method of Dream Analysistm
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The new DreamStar Community is here! Please join us!

Because of its emphasis on dreamer choice and responsibility, the DreamStar dreamwork approach—called The FiveStar Method—is wholly congruent with the goals of life coaching, spiritual mentoring, and contemporary psychotherapy. It is fairly easy to learn and highly adaptable to one-on-one and group settings.
There are several ways to benefit from the services of DreamStar Institute:
- You can join the new DreamStar Community.
- You can participate in online dream groups.
- You can peruse a sampling of resources on our Free Downloads page.
- You can peruse dozens of articles included here.
- You can take courses in dreamwork, soon to be available on Voomly.com.
- You can have individual dream consultation sessions with Scott or Kim via videoconferencing.
- You can obtain mentoring in dream analysis via one-on-one sessions, focusing on the analysis of client dreams, and/or your own dreams, using the FSM.

We look forward to hearing from you! Please contact us to let us know about your interests.
G. Scott Sparrow. EdD, LPC-S
Founder, DreamStar Institute
Professor of Counseling, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Faculty Clinic Liaison
Coordinator, Online Training and Research Clinic (OTRC)
Former President and Board Chair, International Assn. for the Study of Dreams
Kim Phetteplace, MA, Certified Dreamwork Practitioner
Principal Trainer, DreamStar Institute